Our team aren't ordinary, they're extraordinary!

Our team
It takes a very special type of person to join the SwimTikes team. Our award winning and highly knowledgeable team members are the heart of our swim school. They live and breath the Swimtikes ethos.
You can read more about each of our individual team members, their qualifications and industry achievements here.
Some of the must have qualities a SwimTikes team member possesses include:​
A love of the water, little humans and how the two combine through different stages of development
To hold at least 3 different ongoing conversations at once whilst remaining on task
To have a broad range of knowledge in multiple fields of pop culture, with expertise in more than one, including but not limited to areas such as dinosaurs, princesses and talking trains
The ability to decipher, communicate and meet the needs of various ages under 5
To be able to think on your feet and make changes where necessary to benefit each tikelet in your care
Have eyes in the back of your head (be aware of your surroundings) whilst being in the moment with your tikelets
To be able to connect with your inner child, laugh at yourself and sing like no one is listening even though there is a crowd
To use basic aquatic sign language such as TikeSign when interacting with tikelets
The ability to not only work within a team environment, but to support, guide and assist other team members and also receive their support, guidance and assistance in return
An iron clad stomach to deal with endless amounts of snot, stories that get grosser with every re-telling and epic stack injuries
A phenomenal memory for names of tikelets, their families, best friends, extended families, imaginary friends and pets
Also a great recall for favourite colours, interests and what they had for breakfast last Tuesday
The ability to build relationships with all our tikelets and their families
A willingness to continually learn from the world's best, attend regular professional development and conferences, and be open to feedback and self improvement
A big warm smile, a welcoming fun personality, emit genuine empathy and a heart that has more than enough room to love an abundance of tikelets and their families

Other qualities that are highly beneficial include:
Relevant industry qualifications such as current CPR, First Aid, Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety, Teacher of Infant and Preschool Aquatics, Teacher of Towards Competitive Strokes, Teacher of Aquatics Access and Inclusion
In water experience teaching Infants to 8 years for a minimum of 12 months at a reputable provider
Other skills and qualifications from other industries such as (but not limited to) managerial experience, early childcare qualifications, teaching or coaching experience in other sports, administration and customer service

As you can see there are a lot of outstanding qualities that we seek when finding that special person to fit within our Swimtikes Family. It's not a role for just anyone, but someone who truly wants to be a part of something amazing.
If you think this could be you get in contact with us at admin@swimtikes.com.au